September 15th 2023 

Minutes of the Buxton with Lamas Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee held at Lammas Manor and by Zoom on September 15th 2023 

(Regulation 14 Consultation feedback)


Councillors:  Thea Charmley Tony Shaw.    Parishioners:  Tim Curtis (Chair), Karen Lawrence, Rosemary Roth, Vereen Marcer. Consultant: Rachel Hogger.

Apologies: Laura Soar

  1. Update  

The group has met on several occasions and has completed its reviews of Policies 1 – 13, entering all amendments into Notion. All comments by members of the public and other consultees have been fully considered in this process. 

2 Matters carried over from the previous meeting

Rachel’s proposed wording for our Dark Skies policy was agreed, and in Para 5.10.3 we need to insert the first principle of the IDA: Use light only if it is needed.

MAP 16. We felt it would be useful to split this map – one for green assets and one for water meadows . This would make the extent of the water meadows much clearer (it can be bigger in size on the page if that adds further clarity.

We need to review our Design Guide. We agreed the AECOM response to our concerns over garden size is not yet right. We shall take advice from Broadland DC when we meet them on October 13.

A reminder for all 3 “Views review” teams to complete their tasks – to be discussed

Tim will draft an application for a grant to pay for a flood risk assessment after approval by the parish council – Karen to oversee and ensure it’s OK before submission.

The parish council will discuss our proposals for monitoring and review at their October meeting.

3 Further consideration of feedback

The committee considered all comments regarding Policies 14, 15, 16, and 21 and entered all notes into Notion, as part of our consultation review work.

The meeting ended at 12.15pm.