Monday, March 14th 2021

Neighbourhood Plan update to BwLPC  March 14th 2021

1          Funding and expenditure

We have calculated our total cost to finish the plan will be about £15,000.


Income                                                            Expenditure

Locality                        £5,651                         Consulting                               – £3063

Broadland DC              £6,000             

BwLPC                        £2,500

Total                            £14,151                                                                       – £3063


We calculate our costs to finish the plan will be £12,112  

We will carry forward £8,500 into 2022/23.

The funding gap is currently £3612. 

We hope there will be a new round of Locality funding. We would be eligible to apply for £6937. 

If there is no funding we shall need to:

  • not spend our consultancy contingency and 
  • ask the Parish Council for a further £1800. 

The financial risk has increased by £800 because our consultant was unable to complete as much work as we had hoped and Locality funding has had to be returned. 

2          Where we are

We have updated our Vision and Objectives. The following is our latest draft:

Theme 1: Limited and sustainable growth 
Obj 1: New homes will be focused inside the Buxton settlement boundary 
Theme 2: Local Housing Need
Obj 2: To encourage affordable housing for local people where it delivers high standards of residential amenity. 
Theme 3: Protecting and Strengthening Parish Character
Obj 3. All new development will be in keeping with the distinctive character and identity of each of the four villages
Obj.4. The quiet and countryside feel of our communities will be preserved 
Obj. 5. To recognise and value all our heritage assets and conserve or enhance them accordingly. 
Theme 4: Conserving and enhancing our green spaces and waterways 
Obj. 6 Protect and enhance the natural environment including the quality of the River Bure
Obj. 7 Protect and enhance our valued wetlands, water meadow landscape and open green spaces
Theme 5: Development and Environmental Sustainability 
Obj. 8 Development in the parish to meet high environmental sustainability standards, utilising opportunities to minimise waste generation and minimise our contribution towards global warming. 
Obj. 9 New development to help parish residents reduce their carbon footprint through design, layout and by being appropriately located 
Obj. 10 Reduce adverse impacts of flood events from all sources of flooding (fluvial, surface water) and improve drainage infrastructure in the parish 
Theme 6: Encouraging Sustainable Movement
Obj. 11 Protect and enhance the existing network of rural routes for non-motorised users
Obj. 12 Our village streets will be easy to navigate and feel like places for people rather than routes for cars.
Obj. 13 Address (as far as is within the scope of our NP) existing issues relating to movement (via all modes) of people in, around and through the settlement. 
Theme 7: Sustainable Local Economy & Community Facilities
Obj. 14 Support the local economy and businesses and help them thrive whilst protecting residential amenity and encouraging them to be more environmentally sustainable. 
Obj. 15 Sustain, support and seek improvements in provision of community facilities and benefits

3                      NEXT STEPS

  1. We are actively looking at how to preserve important green space. We’re developing a register and will propose using various tools such as settlement gap/s, designation of green spaces and protected views. We envisage developing different levels of protection but putting down markers to help councils protect our green spaces from inappropriate proposals.
  • We need to publish an updated draft of the plan.
  • Engagement – we want to consult with people over housing need, what green spaces should receive a degree of formal protection and which non-listed heritage assets need recognition as important to the parish.
  • Our consultant will continue to work on our draft plan, concentrating on evidence gathering, technical components and preparing the Regulation 14 pre-submission draft. This is a formal draft we sent out to interested bodies and the public before proceeding to finalisation, submission and scrutiny by a planning inspector, followed by public referendum.