July 20th 2023 

(Regulation 14 Consultation feedback – meeting 1)


Councillors:   Tony Shaw, Thea Charmley                                                                   

Parishioners Rosemary Roth, Tim Curtis, Vereen Marcer, Laura Soar, Karen Lawrence

Consultant Rachel Hogger              

Apologies: Jacky Battle

  1. Update from review teams

The group had split into four review teams to read Reg 14 responses and recommend courses of action. The purpose of this and subsequent meetings is to ratify or make changes to the NP based on the feedback and the review teams’ work.

All feedback is being read, and notes made in Notion as to what action is taken. Laura has set up a PDF to make typo/minor factual changes. Larger scale changes will be made in Notion before being applied to the master document.

Rachel raised the BDC comments about the Non-Designated Heritage Asset list, ie lack of evidence. She confirmed we followed a process suggested by BDC to garner evidence from the public, and she will send the group examples of NDHA lists from other NPs so we can ensure we have sufficient evidence.

Rachel will also seek further evidence of flood risk from the GNLP Statutory Flood Risk Assessment. 

  •  Revisions

All revisions are logged in the PDF, as above, or Notion. These will remain unpublished until the process is finished.

In respect of BDC comments about the need to reference the GNLP better, it was agreed we shall not undertake this until closer to submission as the GNLP is still under consideration.

  • Actions:

Next review meeting will be 9.30-12pm on Friday 4th August. A Zoom link will follow. All to read comments relating to policies Bux 1 – Bux 7 and the letter from ESCO developments, in advance of  this meeting.

In advance of review work, it was agreed we can make improvements to three sections:

Laura and Vereen will further develop Appendix 4 (Trees and Hedgerows) taking into account Reg 14 feedback.

Karen will work to develop the flood aspects of the Plan

Tim and Thea will review the list of non designated heritage assets, taking into account prehistoric and subterranean assets, as requested by Historic England and NCC and develop evidence where required.

Tim to present a short paper to BwLPC (September 11th 2023) proposing a detailed plan for monitoring and delivery.

The meeting ended  12.10pm.