Friday, February 10th 2023

Minutes of the Buxton with Lamas Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee 

held at Lammas Manor, February 10th 2023 at 9.30am



Tony Shaw, Thea Charmley                                                                   


Rosemary Roth, Tim Curtis, Vereen Mercer, Laura Soar, Karen Lawrence


Rachel Hogger              

  1. Update

Rachel Hogger advised that since we last met in October we have:

  • Updated the draft Design Code
  • Updated policies, particularly with regard to areas of separation, Bure Valley Business Centre, Biodiversity
  • Created a single draft document which will be shared after this meeting for review (comments to TC and RH by February 22nd.)
  • Met with BDC to develop our approach to biodiversity
  • Completed a draft Heritage Assets Register
  •  Policy revisions

Rachel presented changes made to policies:

  • A further area of separation added, between Little Hautbois and Badersfield. We may need to strengthen our justification for these areas.
  • Heritage Assets – the draft list was presented and valid challenges made regarding what asset should be included or not. The group to comment in due course.
  • Community facilities – we have asked the parish council for a list of what facilities the parish needs. TC to raise at PC meeting on Monday and ask for swift feedback.
  • Any ongoing village hall improvements (2 village halls)
  • Improved phone/broadband
  • Sports facilities
  • Public car charging points
  • School road crossing
  • Toilets
  • Maintenance of picnic area at BVR
  • Charging points for cars

Bure Valley Business Centre – minor changes to tighten up the requirement that should a dwelling be built, it is strictly to fund or enhance the business use.

3)  Parish Council Meeting – March 20th

We shall ask the PC to sign off the NP. If this happens we cannot make further significant changes.

  •  Regulation 14 Consultation

Following sign-off, we shall be required to run a 6-8 week Regulation 14 public consultation. Rachel advised this needs to be very carefully structured. It will be essential to ensure all members of the parish those people/groups who may be affected are told and given ample opportunity to have their say. It should make clear that this is the formal Regulation 14 Consultation, make clear the start and end date of the consultation, and set out how people can inspect the documents (e.g. providing a link to a website and inviting residents who wish to view a paper copy to contact us).

The group agreed a Consultation Plan which includes a leaflet drop which will be facilitated with the Editor of The Round, posters, a banner, social media publicity, community meetings and our website. There will be a feedback mechanism on the website and a paper option for those people who require this.

The group was tasked with populating a list of possible community consultees who will need to be contacted directly.

We aim to begin the 8-week consultation on Tuesday May 2nd, subject to confirmation.

  • Next steps

Tim C was asked to finish the draft Heritage Register, seek further suggestions of community projects from the parish council and finish a draft of the Community Projects section.

Laura Soar was asked to complete outstanding maps

Karen Lawrence was asked to complete sections on Views and Trees, and share policy 24 (Bure Valley Business Centre) with the owners.

Rachel was asked to liaise with BDC re SEA/HRC screening, seek further information on how to obtain a flood risk assessment and to seek a list of national / district consultees for the Regulation 14 consultation.

End of meeting