Buxton with Lamas Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference

1. Steering Group Objectives 

The objective of the Steering Group is to produce a sound Neighbourhood Plan for Buxton with Lamas that defines the planning policy priorities identified by the community taking into account all representations made during the plan-making process and having regard to all relevant existing plans and evidence. 

The steering group will meet monthly / or as required to: 

  • Determine the overall scope and objectives of the plan
  • Manage the process of preparing the plan and report to the Parish Council to ensure effective progress.
  • Build and maintain links with Broadland District Council
  • Keep under review the legislative requirements around Neighbourhood Planning to ensure the plan meets all requirements
  • Make recommendations to the Parish Council on resourcing the plan and secure external funding as required
  • Appoint an external consultant to provide expert advice and support to ensure the Plan is delivered.
  • Manage the gathering of evidence necessary to inform each of the issues within the scope of the plan
  • Produce minutes, reports and documents relating to the plan 

2. Membership of the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group:

The steering group’s membership comprises parishioners who have volunteered to join. 

There shall be at least one representative of Buxton with Lamas Parish Council.

The Parish Council Clerk is co-opted to attend where required and shall manage the Neighbourhood Plan finances.

An independent consultant shall be appointed to guide the steering group and provide technical and professional support to ensure the plan is properly constructed and ‘Made’. The consultant shall be invited to attend steering group meetings and provide comment, advice and other input as they deem appropriate, however this is a non-voting role.

The project is intended to run until a Plan has been presented for independent examination. The Steering Group will remain active until the Plan is ‘Made’.

3. Meetings

Steering Group meetings will take place as required until the Plan is ‘Made’.

Meetings will take place either in person or by video conference, normally on a weekday evening to ensure those who work or have other commitments during the working day have an equal ability to attend.

Decisions made by the Steering Group should normally be by consensus at Steering Group meetings. Where a vote is required each member shall have one vote. 

4. Conduct and Interests 

It is recognised that all members of the Steering Group may be members of community organisations, and these links bring strength to the project. However the Steering Group as a whole is accountable to the wider community for ensuring that the Plan reflects their collective expectations. The Steering Group will achieve this through applying the following principles: 

Work with mutual trust and respect, and combine their expertise;

Act impartially and be clear when their individual roles or interests are in conflict;

Ensure the interests of all four villages are properly represented.

Provide feedback from Steering Group meetings to their organisations should this be deemed necessary.

Assist any community organisations to bring appropriate ideas and concerns to the attention of the Steering Group;

Inform the Steering Group when they are unable to deliver agreed actions; 

Treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability, or religion and belief; 

Actively promote equality of access and opportunity. 

In situations where interests and roles are in conflict they must be declared before the business is discussed. The steering group member may be asked to leave the meeting for that item if it is decided they have a personal or financial interest. 

All members of the Steering Group will declare what organisations they belong to, or if they have any personal or pecuniary interest in any aspects of a Neighbourhood Plan, in the following register. Where there is nothing to declare this shall be recorded.

Buxton with Lamas Parish Council is the qualifying body for the purposes of preparing the plan. The steering group has full delegated authority to manage the process of preparing the plan as set out in the objectives and within agreed budgets; up to and including the publication of the consultation draft plan. Regular reports will be made to the Parish Council to ensure effective progress. 

Buxton with Lamas Parish Council will approve the final draft Neighbourhood Plan prior to submission to the local planning authority. 

Register of Interests

Tim CurtisResident in Lammas; Member of Bure Valley Bellringers; No financial or personal interest in any other aspect of the parish.
Karen LawrenceResident in Buxton; District Councillor for Buxton Ward, Member of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, No financial interest other than providing and supporting local groups based in the Ward. Land and water management professional.
Laura SoarTo follow
Thea CharmleyTo follow
Tony ShawMember of BwLPC. Member of National Trust and English Heritage. Volunteer at NT site at Blickling. Resident of Buxton, no other financial or personal interests in the parish. Work from home as a Management Consultant with no clients who have contact with the parish area.
Rosemary RothResident of Lammas and temporary treasurer if Lammas Village Hall. Trustee of Picto Charity.
Vereen MarcerResident in Buxton; President of Buxton & District WI; Member of Norfolk Wildlife Trust; various roles with North East Norfolk District Scouts which includes 1st Buxton Lamas Sea Scout Group; no financial interest.
John NieldChair, Buxton Photographic Club
Ron ColmanTo follow
Jacquie BattleTo follow
Clerk to BwL Parish CouncilSupporting role, non-voting. Non-resident and no personal / financial interests. Remunerated for her time by BwL Parish Council.
Rachel Hogger, Modicum ConsultingNon-resident and no personal / financial interests apart from her remunerated role as independent, professional consultant to the BwL Neighbourhood Plan.