Our Neighbourhood Plan is in its final stages.

An Independent Examiner has reviewed the Plan and recommends it can go forward to the final stage, which will be a parish-wide referendum in which everyone living in Buxton with Lamas will be asked to accept it.

Before all this can happen, though, Broadland District Council and the parish are being asked to accept a number of changes that the Independent Examiner deems necessary, to ensure it conforms with national planning regulations. These changes are contained in a draft report which is now being ‘fact checked’ by the parish council and Broadland District Council.

After the referendum, the Plan must then be formally adopted by BDC before it becomes a fully fledged local planning policy document.

Please read “The Round” for updates or check this website and/or Broadland District Council’s website.

The very latest documents can be viewed here.

More information

A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that sets out planning policies for the parish, written by the local community. If it is eventually adopted, the Plan will have the same legal standing as the Greater Norwich Local Plan – the new district plan for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk.  It will guide all things requiring planning permission in our village, it tells everyone what is important about our village and its future.

Our Parish is Buxton with Lamas – including the villages of Buxton, Lammas, Little Hautbois and the Barnby Road area of Badersfield.

The Buxton with Lamas Neighbourhood Plan has five key themes:

  • Limited and sustainable growth
  • Local Housing Need
  • Protecting and strengthening parish character
  • Conserving and enhancing our green spaces, water meadows and waterways
  • Development and environmental sustainability

If the Plan is eventually adopted, it would also mean we get more money for the parish. If developers get permission to build, they have to pay a Community Infrastructure Levy. Without a Plan our parish gets 15% of this but with a plan we get 25%. This money can be spent on community facilities.

There are two new development sites in Buxton. One is for 20 homes north of Mead Close, Buxton and a new site is proposed in the district plan for 40 homes between Aylsham Road and the Bure Valley Railway. A further seven homes are allowed in the parish on small sites.

The main Plan and Appendices

BwL NP submission version FINAL 19 March 2024

APPENDIX 1 – Priority and Locally Important Views

APPENDIX 2 Non-Designated Heritage Assets

APPENDIX 3_ Landscape Character Area descriptions, sensitivities and guidelines

APPENDIX 4 – Sites with Existing Biodiversity Value

APPENDIX 5 – Character Area map and Design Codes

Supporting documents

Consultation Statement FINAL

BwL Flood Risk Overview Report and Maps


Open spaces assessment Nov 2023

Responses to the Regulation 14 Consultation and actions taken as a result

Compliance documents

Feb 2024 Buxton with Lamas Basic Conditions Statement

Buxton with Lamas NP Screening Determination Statement